Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Late Start to Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season is usually cranking by now, but there have been late starting seasons that turned into doozies. The folks in South Florida remember a late starting season that was devasting for them. Ever heard of Hurricane Andrew? That storm was the first named storm of the 1992 Hurricane Season.

The early morning hours of August 24, 1992 a small, but fierce category 5 hurricane Andrew ripped through Homestead, Florida. Go to the National Hurricane Center website to learn about past storms that hit North Carolina like Hazel, Donna, Connie, Edna, Fran, Floyd, and Isabel to name a few.

North Carolina is most vulnerable to a hurricane strike in August, September, and October. September has more hurricane landfalls in our state than any other month, so the season may be late getting started this year, but the prime time has yet to arrive. Check out my Tropical Weather Center links to keep tabs on this year's storms.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Fog

Hello everyone. It is a rainy Monday in July and this could lead to some fog overnight. Did you know that September has the most foggy nights of any month in our area? There is a good reason for that. As humid summer air lingers, the nights are getting longer by September so the air has longer to cool overnight. The cooling of the humid air squeezes out (condences) the moisture out of the air to give us a heavy dew and fog.

For this Monday night in July, the air will be very humid following rain. While the night isn't as long as it is later in the year, it will start out cooler because of the rain cooled air. This will give us a chance of fog. If the summer sky clears overnight, the chance of fog will increase. Yes, increase. A clear sky above allows the air near the ground to cool more as heat radiates upward away from earth. The more the air cools, the better chance for moisture condensing out into fog.

Expect some early morning fog Tuesday morning unless clouds continue over the area.

Phillip Williams

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pitt County Life

Welcome to my blog for www.PittCountyLife.com. I'm Meteorologist Phillip Williams. You may know me from my 21 years of weather forecasting on local television. More and more people are getting weather information from the internet, so I'm here to delivery what the people of Greenville and Pitt County need.

Besides local weather information, what would you like to see at www.PittCountyLife.com? I've got a link to the East Carolina University Pirates football schedule. You can also find links to a couple of local happenings like the bringing down of the smokestack in downtown. My goal is to make PittCountyLife.com a place for everyone in Pitt County to visit every day.

Thank you for watching me over the years! Now, you can still watch me forecasting online. Also, if your company would like advertise at www.PittCountyLife.com, email me at info@PittCountyLife.com.

Take care!